British-Irish Council meeting

Sir, – So once again Taoiseach Enda Kenny flies off to meet with the leaders of Scotland, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Wales and Northern Ireland at the British-Irish Council.

Unfortunately it seems that again the British prime minister couldn’t make it, but Theresa May was happy enough to let Mr Kenny take his place with the leaders of these other UK regions and dependencies.

What a message this sends out.

Ireland is a sovereign State, our Taoiseach should not be attending summits with the various UK regions as an equal.


If it is truly a British-Irish Council it should involve the leaders of Ireland and Britain.

It might play nicely into the mindset of some of the Fine Gael members that we take our place back among the UK regions, being subservient to Westminster, but I doubt it does with the rest of the country.

– Yours, etc,



Co Louth.