British Labour and bombing Syria

Sir, – We need to subject terms like “moderate”, “extremist”, “far right” and “far left” to critical analysis. At the moment they are merely an element in British political propaganda.

We are apparently supposed to think that Blairites are moderate and supporters of Jeremy Corbyn extremist.

At best these terms are examples of lazy thinking, but as commonly used they are merely terms of propaganda, whether of abuse or of self-commendation.

Are those who voted for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the bombing of Lybia in 2011 and Syria in 2015 really to be suposed to be moderate?


Whatever we may think of Jeremy Corbyn, his objections to the bombing of Syria were reasonable and well expressed, and they answer a classic definition of moderation.

How can a leader of any party keep in office a shadow foreign secretary in open and parliamentary disagreement with his view on so important a matter as war and peace?

Hilary Benn is not to be applauded for grandstanding on this issue in public contradiction of his leader. It was an act entirely devoid of political decency. Perhaps Mr Benn can instead be put in charge of floods in Leeds. – Yours, etc,


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