Bryan Herbert, actor

Madam, - I would be very grateful if any readers could give me any information about an Irish actor called Bryan Herbert

Madam, - I would be very grateful if any readers could give me any information about an Irish actor called Bryan Herbert. He was a stage performer mainly with the Gate Theatre, Dublin, from the 1930s to the 1950s in such plays as Sherlock Holmes(1953), Witness for the Prosecution(1954) and The Righteous are Bold(1955).

He was also on the BBC in such programmes as ITMA and in British films of the 1940s.

His real name was Denis Herbert Doyle and he was born in Dublin on April 24th 1894. His wife's name was Dinah.

I would be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers him, or knows when he passed away. - Yours, etc,


Bwlch, Llanddona,

Anglesey, North Wales.