Cabinet place for Shane Ross?

Sir, – If, as Stephen Collins suggests, Fine Gael may have to allow Independent TD Shane Ross to be in the cabinet, water charges would have to be retained as it would take a vast amount of water for Enda Kenny to swallow that pill ("Minority government faces major challenges", Opinion & Analysis, April 23rd). – Yours, etc,


Dunshaughlin, Co Meath.

Sir, – The notion that Shane Ross could be a minister in the next cabinet is not one that fills me with confidence. Despite his donning of the mantle of chastiser-in-chief of the so-called banksters, this is a man who prior to the bust repeatedly used his newspaper column to laud Irish Nationwide Building Society, as well as Anglo Irish Bank. Bank of Ireland was scolded for not being aggressive enough. Indeed, Mr Ross, the former stockbroker and champion of laissez-faire economics, was easily the most reliable media supporter of McCreevyite policies before his Damascene conversion. Moreover, the concept of an Independent Alliance pseudo-party is laughable in and of itself. It reminds me of the hapless rugby coach who exhorted his players to "spread out in a bunch"! – Yours, etc,



Lucan, Co Dublin.