Cabinet portfolios

Sir, – In all the brouhaha over the formation of a new government and appointment of ministerial positions, there has been little mention of the creation of the new ministry for Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht.

Heather Humphreys will need to be a “super senior” Minister to discharge all of these duties.

It has apparently been deemed acceptable for “heritage” to be removed from her portfolio now that the commemorations of 1916 are complete. Have “arts” and the Gaeltacht not already been treated with enough contempt by the outgoing government? Now they have the status of after-thoughts shoehorned into a ministry set to be dominated by the vital need for regional development. – Is mise,




Dublin 18.

Sir, – In times of recession the arts are often the first to face cuts.

However, now that the economy is improving, it would have been an idea to appoint a minister to focus solely on the arts in the formation of the new government. Instead the arts are grouped together with regional development, rural affairs and the Gaeltacht.

The arts put Ireland on the international stage. We’re proud of our Oscar-winners and our global superstars. Too often this success is in spite of and not because of governmental support for the arts.

Let us support the arts and not leave it to chance. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.

A chara, – I see that new boy Simon Harris has been given the health portfolio.

Is this what our rugby friends would call a hospital pass? – Is mise,



Dublin 4.

Sir, – Just because Enda Kenny has a personal beef with Leo Varadkar does not mean he should be allowed to replace him with a baby when our health service is in crisis. – Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.

Sir, – In analysing the new Cabinet, Harry McGee sees Michael Creed, Denis Naughten and Shane Ross as prodigal sons returning to the Fine Gael fold (Analysis, May 7th).

To give good example in these times of continuing austerity, will they agree to share one fatted calf? – Yours, etc,


Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Dhún na nGall.