Cameras On Poles

Sir, - The erection by order of Dublin Corporation of galvanised steel poles in Ranelagh and Terenure to monitor traffic by remote…

Sir, - The erection by order of Dublin Corporation of galvanised steel poles in Ranelagh and Terenure to monitor traffic by remote cameras is possibly laudable. Unfortunately, the design is dreadful. In Ranelagh, the pole rises in stark contrast with the Victorian facade of the former public toilets like some sort of sick, post-modern joke. Dublin Corporation has more up its sleeve - a phone call to its Roads and Traffic Section confirmed that some 25 of these poles are to be erected around Dublin city. Why not use a design like the old "swan's neck" lamp standard? Or better still, why not use some imagination? - Yours, etc.,E. Hartigan,Beechwood Road,Dublin 6.