Capital punishment

Sir, - I wish to express my outrage at W.G.A. Scott's letter of May 8th

Sir, - I wish to express my outrage at W.G.A. Scott's letter of May 8th. I am only 13 years old, but even I know the difference between right and wrong. If it is wrong to kill people, as McVeigh did in Oklahoma, what justification is there in killing him? By saying that he should die, are you not being as bad as him?

I do not believe that violence gets you anywhere and I certainly do not condone the activities of Timothy McVeigh, but is it right to take his life?

W.G.A. Scott says a lot about Christianity in his letter, but he does not mention that the Bible also states "Thou shalt not kill". Capital punishment is legal murder, and the televising of McVeigh's execution is showing murder to anyone who is sickminded enough to watch it. It is a disgrace that people who calls themselves `Christians' can actually want to see somebody die. It is a disgrace that people that calls themselves "Christians" can be so vengeful that they wish to see someone suffer.

Murder is wrong, whether it is illegal or legal. Do two wrongs make a right? - Yours, etc.,


Eimhin Walsh, Kimmage, Dublin.