Carrickmines fire survivors

Sir, – I am sure I am not alone in being truly sickened by the actions of some protesters at Rockville Drive ("Objections to site chosen to house Carrickmines fire survivors", October 13th).

This site was chosen to rehouse temporarily survivors of the most appalling tragedy. These people lost family members and loved ones. They have endured unspeakable tragedy in the last five days, the level of which most of us cannot comprehend. They have lost their homes. At a time when they most need support and empathy, certain members of the settled community have slammed the door in their faces.

Even if one takes on board the argument that they were given no notice of the changes in their area, it becomes completely irrelevant when the measures are only temporary. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.

Sir, – Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly is right when he says that the blockade of a temporary site for the Carrickmines fire survivors “says an awful lot about Irish society and in a very disturbing way”.

This weekend while watching the rugby we will no doubt be patting ourselves on the back about what a wonderful, jolly, “mad”, lovable little bunch of people we Irish are. Let us not forget that the truth is in fact far darker and more complicated. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – If it is determined by the HSE that our public hospitals should be fined for failing to deal with patient waiting lists (“Hospitals fined €5.8 million for failing to meet targets”, October 13th) which can only further damage patient care, as HSE executives have thick skins and will not themselves be embarrassed by such failures. Why then can’t local authorities who fail to spend funding allocations provided by government to secure decent Traveller accommodation be similarly fined? Or at least to be named and to have that funding withdrawn and spent by county councils that will invest in better provision for Travellers? Common decency should ensure that we do what is right, surely! – Yours, etc,


