Case for alternative medicine

Madam, - Brian Hughes (Head2Head, March 12th) argues that "thousands of studies have been conducted into acupuncture, chiropracty…

Madam, - Brian Hughes (Head2Head, March 12th) argues that "thousands of studies have been conducted into acupuncture, chiropracty, homoeopathy and the like, and yet none of these practices has been conclusively shown to be effective".

With respect, Dr Hughes is wrong in regard to chiropractic care, even using his own limited criteria.

The effectiveness of spinal manipulation for back pain is strongly supported by research evidence such as the UK "back pain exercise and manipulation" or BEAM trial (British Medical Journal, November 2004). This study involved 1,334 patients with back pain and the benefits were all statistically significant.

The UK Medical Research Council also supported a randomised comparison of chiropractic care with hospital outpatient treatment (Meade et al, BMJ, June 1990). The object of this study was to compare chiropractic and hospital outpatient treatment for managing low-back pain. It was found that chiropractic treatment was more effective than hospital management, mainly for patients with chronic or severe back pain.


Chiropractors have a significant role to play in addressing important causes of chronic ill health and absenteeism such as back pain, which has a huge financial cost in disability payments alone, regardless of the human costs.

The increasing number of general practitioners, rheumatologists and orthopaedic surgeons who refer patients for treatment recognises the role of chiropracty.

As a practising chiropractor, I find that many patients are shocked to discover that there is no regulation of the title of chiropractor as they assume that the law protects them against untrained practitioners. But it does not. Ireland is the only English-speaking country with no law against untrained practitioners of spinal manipulation. Perhaps Dr Hughes should take up this issue with the Minister for Health. - Yours, etc,

ATTRACTA FARRELL, Spokesperson, Chiropractic Association of Ireland, Penrose Wharf, Cork.