Case for shorter working week

Madam, - It is time for the Government and the EU to discuss lowering the working week from 40 hours to 20

Madam, - It is time for the Government and the EU to discuss lowering the working week from 40 hours to 20.  The challenge then will be to educate and train populations on how to spend leisure time.

When there is full employment, the nation gains.  There is less anti-social behaviour, fewer people in prisons, less breakdown in the nuclear family and yes, even fewer terrorists.  Without a job, a person has very little self-esteem.

I have studied this proposal for over 30 years. Were it implemented - and it could be implemented with reasoned debate — all nations would benefit. With economies all round the world in distress, now is the time to begin the debate on this proposal. -  Yours, etc,



Coliemore road,


Co Dublin.