Catalpa tree at Coole Park

Madam, - Mark Coen (June 2nd) laments the removal of the Catalpa tree at Coole Park

Madam, - Mark Coen (June 2nd) laments the removal of the Catalpa tree at Coole Park. There is no denying it was a "well-loved fixture in the childhood play of generations of visitors to the Park". Unfortunately, however, it had become unsafe, with the centre rotting and further weakening caused by the storms of last winter.

Only after serious consideration and consultation with a professional tree surgeon was the decision taken to remove it. Regrettable as this was, it was necessary to ensure the safety of the large numbers of visitors to Coole, especially children.

Far from being "a wanton act of vandalism", it was an essential procedure.

We hope the young Catalpa planted by Lady Gregory's grand-daughters in 1995 will, in time, provide inspiration for future "poets and dreamers". The management and staff will continue to safeguard the richness of natural heritage and social history at Coole, and the safety of its many visitors. - Yours, etc,


TIM O'CONNELL, Regional Manager, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Coole Park, Gort, Co Galway.