Catholics and condoms

Madam, — We must respect the decision that some people make to deny themselves indulgence in what must be God’s greatest gift…

Madam, — We must respect the decision that some people make to deny themselves indulgence in what must be God’s greatest gift to us.  However, I feel uncomfortable when they tell the rest of us it is only all right to make love when they have specifically licensed it (through Catholic marriage).

Many of the facts that  Father Dick Cremins (February 12th) cites regarding the efficiency, or non-efficiency, of condoms are interesting and I appreciate his earnestness.  However, I cannot escape a feeling of distaste at such detailed discussion of what those of us who do want to indulge in such a personal pleasure should wear, or not wear, when we do. –   Yours, etc,


Newgrove Avenue,

Dublin, 4.