Catholics and confession

Madam, - I find it very hard to understand the position expressed by Irene Redmond (May 11th), though it appears to be the position…

Madam, - I find it very hard to understand the position expressed by Irene Redmond (May 11th), though it appears to be the position of many people. She says she receives the Eucharist with "gratitude and respect", that she "gain\ strength" and likes the "fellowship with other Christians".

These , of course, are also available through the sacrament of confession.

Hoping to "reform with God's help" is all very well; it seems rather churlish, however, to reject the offer of help God has already given through the sacrament of confession. Presumably Christ had something in mind when he said to his apostles: "Receive the Holy Spirit; for those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained."

Having rejected God's offer of help in confession, it seems somewhat illogical to receive communion at all - why not simply trust in God and ask him for direct help without the medium of a church or sacrament? Perhaps Irene Redmond would be happier joining another denomination that shares her view on sacraments (and love of the mixed metaphor). - Yours, etc.,


CHRISTOPHER McCAMLEY, Newtown, Drogheda, Co Louth.