Catholics and confession

Madam,- I feel I must come to the defence of Irene Redmond against the criticisms of my fellow townsman Christopher McCamley (…

Madam,- I feel I must come to the defence of Irene Redmond against the criticisms of my fellow townsman Christopher McCamley (May 14th). The Dun Laoghaire lady strikes me (from her periodic letters to your paper) as being an eminently human and tolerant person. She clearly believes that whatever religion one happens to be born into is there for the individual, rather than the other way around, to assist him or her in living their daily lives.

I must say I thought her personal and, yes, selective attitude to religious observance was eloquently expressed and even inspiring. The Pharisees have long ago had their day. - Yours, etc.,

OLIVER McGRANE, Marley Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.