Cead Mile Failte

Sir, - I write to refute the assumptions made in your edition of November 18th concerning the circulation of an internal memo…

Sir, - I write to refute the assumptions made in your edition of November 18th concerning the circulation of an internal memo about asylum seekers, and an important error of fact.

There are numerous communications used by my office to disseminate important information. The named memo was just one such variety, and as such was one of a number that I regularly issue through my office to all members of the Parliamentary Party - our TDs, Senators, Ministers of State, Cabinet members and members of the European Parliament. This and other information documents are compiled and released to various member and groups within our Parliamentary Party and to the Fianna Fail organisation and our representatives in local authorities throughout the country on a regular basis as part of our overall internal communications network.

Your correspondent's assumptions were incorrect. This memo was released as part of our ongoing routine information and communications process. - Yours, etc.,

Tom Reddy, Press Director, Fianna Fail Press Office, Leinster House, Dublin 2.