Celebrating trees

Madam, - May I send my congratulations to editors Patrick Smyth and Michael Viney for the superb supplement on trees that came…

Madam, - May I send my congratulations to editors Patrick Smyth and Michael Viney for the superb supplement on trees that came with Tuesday's Irish Times? Of course I was particularly pleased that you chose to quote in your Editorial extracts from the foreword which Seamus Heaney wrote especially for the new Sculpture in Woodland catalogue Devil's Glen - Sculpture in Woodland, just published.

No doubt many of your readers may wish to see Mr Heaney's essay in its entirety. Copies of the catalogue are available by contacting Sculpture in Woodland at 01 - 2001132 or sculpinfo@coillte.ie.

Once again, congratulations! - Yours, etc.,



Executive director,

Sculpture in Woodland,


Co Wicklow.