Cement truck problems

Madam - Further to Philip O'Reilly's timely comments on the state of Dublin's drains (June 20th), in recent months I have noticed…

Madam - Further to Philip O'Reilly's timely comments on the state of Dublin's drains (June 20th), in recent months I have noticed, due to the southside building boom, a lot of hardened cement spilt from cement trucks completely closing off some drains.

There is also an added permanent dribble to many roadsides from these same trucks, to say nothing of the many signs of spilt barrow-loads of pebbles at road junctions coming from the same cement lorries.

Are there no sanctions for these cement lorry offenders? They are creating many unsightly blots on our suburban landscapes. Surely, with modern engineering and technology, such spills can be avoided. Do the cement companies really not care about their eco-image in these boom times? - Yours, etc,

LOUIS HEMMINGS, Blackrock, Dublin.