Censorship: adults v children

Sir, – How quaint that we still have the Censorship of Publications Board which vets the books that adults are allowed to read, while we have no one protecting children from obscene content online ("Censorship Board bans book for the first time since 1998", March 14th).

Ireland is overburdened with children’s quangos, yet none of them address the biggest facilitator of child sex abuse, namely online pornography.

Right now online pornography is causing a tsunami of child abuse. Young boys’ attitudes towards women is being forged by watching women being humiliated and debased. The cost of dealing with abuse victims will cost the HSE millions.

The primary purpose of any government is to protect its children, in this regard it is failing abysmally.


The government regulates our telecom sector, they need to sort this out now.

– Yours, etc,


Erne Terrace,

Dublin 2.