Certificate for explicit sex film

Madam, - I am deeply dismayed by the decision of the film censor, Mr John Kelleher, to certify an uncut version of the new British…

Madam, - I am deeply dismayed by the decision of the film censor, Mr John Kelleher, to certify an uncut version of the new British film 9 Songs by Michael Winterbottom for release to cinemas generally, even with an over-18 specification. To judge from the report by your film correspondent, Michael Dwyer (The Irish Times, October 19th), it seems the film is hard-core pornography, showing actual, not simulated, sex acts in graphic detail. These include acts which a great many adults would find morally repugnant and degrading.

Until now some kind of lid was kept on hard-core pornography in the public forum. This inexplicable decision represents a plummet in standards that can only undermine the dignity of sex in the minds of many.

The over-18s specification is often not enforced in practice, and the release of this uncut version in cinemas and video stores may do untold damage to the moral and emotional sensibilities of young people.

After an irresponsible decision like this I can have no further confidence in the present office of film censor. I call on Mr Kelleher either to withdraw the certificate for this film or to resign. - Yours, etc.,



Corbawn Lane,


Dublin 18.