Challenges of air travel from Cork

Sir, – I am always greatly amused when I read that Cork and the region of west Cork should attempt to attract more tourists. And how would these tourists travel? The flights in and out of Cork completely neglect most of continental Europe. It is because of this that to fly to Italy from Cork I had to go through Amsterdam, thus making the trip a day-long and expensive business. Twice this month my luggage from and to Cork got stuck at Schiphol airport. Two days after arriving home in Cork without my suitcase on July 29th, I had to travel to the US. I was forced to do so without luggage, although I was told that it would be sent to my address in Boston. After 12 days in Boston, still no suitcase.

Every time I call Aer Lingus I talk to very nice people who try to help me, but unfortunately nobody seems to be able to do so. Apparently my suitcase ended up at Heathrow on its way to Boston and people there do not seem to answer email or the phone. They must have taken Brexit very seriously indeed!

Not only do I have no clothes but I’m also missing some important medication for which it would be very complicated and expensive to get a prescription in the US. I have been patient, I have not screamed (yet), but I realise now that I am probably never going to see my luggage again and I am quite angry.

To all of those who are thinking of visiting Ireland I would say choose a cheaper and sunnier destination, and above all do not go through Heathrow or Amsterdam. – Yours, etc,



Cork and

Cambridge, Massachusetts.