Challenging Burma's regime

Madam, - With reference to your report on the jailing of political activists in Burma (November 12th), we in Burma Action Ireland…

Madam, - With reference to your report on the jailing of political activists in Burma (November 12th), we in Burma Action Ireland are greatly disturbed by the disproportionate severity of the 65-year sentences handed down to the 14 pro-democracy activists of the 88 Generation students' group by a special court behind closed doors in Insein prison early last week. There were no lawyers for the defence and even family members were not allowed to attend.

These savage and inhumane sentences imposed on peaceful activists - whose only "crime" is that they reject the totalitarian regime, (under which the unfortunate people of Burma have suffered for the past 46 years) and aspire to democracy - must surely throw down a serious challenge to all civilised nations.

This action by a totally discredited regime is in open defiance of the UN Security Council, which last month called for the release of democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners in Burma. Earlier this week EU Foreign Ministers met and did likewise. The ministers are on record as saying they would increase pressure on the recalcitrant Burmese regime unless positive steps toward democratic rule were implemented. Their failure to follow up has clearly emboldened the generals further.

We call for early action by the EU, the UN, and the ASEAN nations, and we do this through the good offices of our Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin, who has already issued a strong statement condemning these recent outrageous sentences.


There has been a suggestion that Secretary General of the UN, Ban Kyi Moon, might himself go to Burma in December to meet the generals. We urge him to do so and engage in straight talking, as it is intolerable and unacceptable that such a corrupt regime should continue openly to defy the world community of nations, as it has done for far too long already. - Yours, etc,



Burma Action Ireland,

Dublin 1.