Cherrywood and the greenbelt

Sir, – The proposed new town of 2.1 million square feet, including 1,200 apartments, shops and hotel, at Cherrywood, in the foothills of the Dublin Mountains, is an awful prospect for land which was much-needed greenbelt.

Instead of this interminable, unrelenting destruction of the landscape that we are so, almost uniquely, lucky to have so close to our capital, those in charge with running Irish society should have been looking at developing alternative living spaces. The development and expansion of outlying towns, such as Mullingar, Navan, Athlone, as new urban developments, having first put in place improved rail infrastructure which would allow high-speed trains to the capital, should have begun years ago. That would be an intelligent, sustainable undertaking; however, we know from prior experience that such intellect and foresight seldom prevail in Ireland in relation to planning. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.