Childhood obesity

Madam, - Kate Holmquist's article on childhood obesity (Weekend, March 19th) mentions that Ibec's new Nutrition and Health Foundation…

Madam, - Kate Holmquist's article on childhood obesity (Weekend, March 19th) mentions that Ibec's new Nutrition and Health Foundation is opposed to restrictions on advertising junk food to children. That's not surprising - Ibec represents the food and drinks industry. If you're trying to sell something you're hardly going to say it's harmful.

What is surprising - not to say horrifying - is that the Nutrition and Health Foundation has Government support. It was launched by Minister for Agriculture and Food Mary Coughlan in January. Among the "stakeholders" which have been invited to work with the Foundation are the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Children.

Ms Coughlan finished her speech at the launch by describing the foundation's approach as "partnership". This, she said, "has proved a successful model in Ireland in many fields of endeavour". A partnership between, among others, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kelloggs, McDonalds, Nestlé and the Government aimed at tackling the epidemic of childhood obesity?

Will the Government really be allowed to level this insult at our children? - Yours, etc.,


VICTORIA WHITE, Ashfield Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.