Children’s hospital and accountability

Sir, – I noted with surprise your news headline on February 7th: “Donohoe takes responsibility for use of public funds.”

Surely the Minister did this when he accepted his seal of office from the President on June 15th, 2017. – Yours, etc,


Faithlegg, Co Waterford.


A chara, – Simon Harris recently mooted the idea of imposing “financial penalties” on the striking nurses as a measure to resolve the current crisis.

Perhaps he has struck on a productive idea. I feel that we should further explore legislation which would allow the people of Ireland to impose financial penalties on those in Government who consistently fail to deliver.

I suggest that if Mr Harris, his Cabinet colleagues and those providing “confidence and supply” had their generous wages docked, we would soon find a solution to our current dilemmas. – Is mise,



Co Galway.