Choosing Children

Sir, - Maurice Fitzgerald (December 14th) refers to having children as a "lifestyle choice" which should be the "ultimate responsibility…

Sir, - Maurice Fitzgerald (December 14th) refers to having children as a "lifestyle choice" which should be the "ultimate responsibility of parents". What Mr Fitzgerald seems to forget is that those children are also citizens of the state, the most vulnerable, and are entitled to support, albeit vicariously through their parents.

He also seems to forget that without a growing, young population there would be no Celtic tiger economy. There would be no state to generate a GDP if people were not having families. Creating and nurturing a population is the greatest service one can do for a state. It is, in essence, manufacturing a state. Why should it not be rewarded?

A state is an organised large scale social grouping, ostensibly working for the benefit of the individuals that make it up. If the elected as custodians of the state develop policies which do not serve the common good, then those rules need revision. Economies (technically) exist to serve people, not the other way around.

I do not have a family myself. Perhaps someday I will. In the meantime I would like to thank those who have made that contribution to my country. They have provided the population base that has created the thriving economy I enjoy. I only wish Charlie McCreevy felt the same way. - Yours, etc.,


Conall O'Connor MA, Redcross, Co Wicklow.