Church blessing for pets

Madam, - Senator David Norris (Letters, October 16th) believes that the mainstream churches should bless "the bond of affection…

Madam, - Senator David Norris (Letters, October 16th) believes that the mainstream churches should bless "the bond of affection between two humans of the same sex".

He can see no good reason for their refusal to do so, since "the bonds of affection between animals and their owners" is recognised in the annual blessing of pets at St Joseph's Church, Glasthule.

Although I didn't attend the blessing ceremony, I'm fairly sure that the blessings were bestowed with the implicit understanding that some quite clearly defined constraints apply to the relationships between these owners and their pets.

Had the priest been asked to preside over a wedding ceremony between any of these owners and their pets, I dare say the report on the front page of your edition of October 13th would have read somewhat differently.


As far as I know, none of the mainstream churches is opposed to people of the same sex forming "bonds of affection" per se. The devil's in the detail, you see. - Yours, etc,


Earlsfort Rise,


Co Dublin.