Church in crisis?

Sir, – I am greatly saddened if Eamon Maher (Rite & Reason, March 15th) has correctly quoted Fr Brendan Hoban as saying "Without priests, there can be no Eucharist" because this is fundamentally incorrect.

In fact, it is the exact opposite. Without the Eucharist there can be no priests. The Eucharist was instituted before the ordained ministry and is not dependent on the presider, it's efficacy is ex opere operato. The quote accredited to Fr Hoban unfortunately allows the scandal of clericalism to thrive and continues to thwart the aggiornamento of the church.

Almost 2,000 years ago, on the original Good Friday, the church was in crisis, by that standard we are merely experiencing growing pains.

If we, the hierarchy and laity together, allow the spirit to help us interpret the signs of times I have no doubt that she will direct us to a very different expression of the church and the concerns of Fr Crosby, Fr Hoban and Eamon Maher will not be realised. Be not afraid!


–Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow