Sir, - Since most of RTE's viewers and listeners are mature human beings, fully capable of making up their own minds about spiritualism…

Sir, - Since most of RTE's viewers and listeners are mature human beings, fully capable of making up their own minds about spiritualism and clairvoyants, I find it strange that Robert Dunlop (June 12th) has nothing more pressing to concern himself with.

What "vulnerability and sensitivity" does he refer to? Perhaps Mr Dunlop is worried that people may hear about alternatives to Christianity and stray off its paths forever? A great advantage of living in Ireland is that we have the chance to make our own choices on how to live our lives. Mr Dun lop may not approve of clairvoyants, but that doesn't mean that other people may not be interested.

RTE has a duty, frequently unfulfilled, to present a rounded picture of life in Ireland today, and if that means discussing subjects that some Christians find distasteful, then so be it. Yours, etc.,

Northbrook Avenue,


Dublin 6.