Clerical Celibacy

Sir, - Margaret McGrath (July 1st) asks you to "give us a break" from Rev David O'Hanlon's contributions, but I say: no, no! …

Sir, - Margaret McGrath (July 1st) asks you to "give us a break" from Rev David O'Hanlon's contributions, but I say: no, no! David O'Hanlon captures perfectly the superciliousness of tone, the superiority of attitude, and the intolerance of dissent which for so long marked the Catholic Church, and his choice of style, a pseudo high rhetoric which sacrifices clarity to pompousness most wonderfully, is spot-on. His dead-pan, parodic portrayals of Catholic obscurantism are little short of brilliant. In David O'Hanlon we have compounded the misogynistic bitterness of W. C. Fields and the windy self-mockery of Lionel Sachs from The Good Old Days. The man is a born entertainer, and may well be a comic genius. Please publish everything he writes.

But leave the Good Old Days where they belong. - Yours, etc., Michael Carragher,

16 Fayetteville, Arizona, USA.