Climate action and cows

A chara, – Your correspondents have recently referred to the lower carbon emission target allocated to us for 2030. This is primarily designed to protect our agriculture, a growing industry which is rightly blamed for 30 per cent of our national emissions.

According to Dr Suzanna Bauer of the Earth Institute of Columbia University, the scenario is more complex. When the ammonia gas from increasing fertilisers and animals combines with the nitric oxide particles of growing urban pollution, the effect is more immediately toxic to humans.

According to WHO this newish phenomenon is responsible for three million premature deaths worldwide.

It seems irresponsible of Dr Gareth Keeley (Letters, July 28th) to write that "Ireland could drastically increase its emissions without having any impact whatsoever". Perhaps it is coincidence that he works for the Atomic Energy Commission and is aloof to the petty relationship between people and cows?


– Yours, etc,


Béal an Daingin,
