Climate change and Danny Healy-Rae

A chara, – After reading “Healy-Rae claims Noah’s Ark supports his climate theory” (August 18th), I was struck by this thought. Noah in his wisdom managed to save as many species as possible on his boat by taking them on two by two. When the next flood occurs, due, no doubt, to global warming and climate change, can I suggest that there would be no vacancies for cap-wearing Kerry TDs arriving two by two? – Is mise,





Co Wexford.

Sir, – I note Deputy Danny Healy-Rae is of the view that climate change does not occur and that changes in weather patterns through the years are a natural occurrence and are unaffected by mankind’s behaviour. To back up his view he cites the Old Testament and in particular the story of Noah’s Ark.

One wonders who is advising Mr Healy-Rae on matters biblical these days? If he cares to read the Old Testament, he will discover that the floods he refers to were reputed to have been sent as a punishment for mankind’s behaviour by a divine presence.

Mr Rae is not just guilty of bad science but now bad theology.

God give us a break! – Yours, etc,

