Co-opting onto county councils

Sir, – When a member of Dáil Éireann is elected to the European Parliament, resigns, or passes away, the vacancy is filled following a byelection. Why then are vacated council seats filled by co-option, effectively chosen by the party or supporters of the person who previously held the seat? (“Rush to fill vacant seats created by councillors elected to Dáil”, March 14th.)

It surely does not help the cause of local democracy to see new councillors (however experienced, competent, and hard-working they may be) taking up the reins of local government when the local electorate has had no say in their selection.

The democratic deficit is exacerbated by the fact that local residents will not get to cast their verdicts on the replacement councillors until 2019, and then only if the council members choose to stand for election.

I appreciate that co-option is permitted by law, but shouldn’t such decisions be made by the electorate? – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.

Sir, – Rachel Flaherty’s article (“Rush to fill vacancies created by councillors elected to the Dáil”, March 14th) makes sober reading for those of us who would like to believe we live in a functioning democratic society.

The worthy abolition of the dual mandate has unfortunately allowed an even more invidious practice to flourish. Fortyseven individuals, many of whom have never stood for election, and in several cases are family members of the newly-elected TDs, are being co-opted all over the country to fill council seats that have become available following the general election.

I was an Independent candidate in the Fingal County Council election in 2014. While I did not gain a seat, I was not eliminated and was deemed unelected by six votes. I assumed I would be entitled, under due process, to the next vacant council seat. However, laws enacted by the Oireachtas prevent this.

The practice of co-option is blatant cronyism. I call upon all elected representatives to end this political patronage and to endorse and uphold our democratic and constitutional norms. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.