Collection for Darfur

A Chara, - At Mass this morning it was announced that the Trócaire collection for Darfur taken up recently at all Masses in the…

A Chara, - At Mass this morning it was announced that the Trócaire collection for Darfur taken up recently at all Masses in the Archdiocese of Dublin achieved the total of over €1.1 million.

Could anyone name any other organisation in Ireland - or in Europe - which has, in the space of a few hours, provided so much capital to assist a suffering people irrespective of culture or religion?

The nationwide Church collection will probably exceed €15 million, confirming the analysis published earlier this year by the Economist which presented indisputable data that regular church-going people are more caring and more generous than others.

It also proves, in a very basic way, that the Catholic Church is a force for good not only in Ireland but also internationally. If over €1 million was contributed in the Dublin diocese alone, there must be still an awful lot of people attending Mass on Sundays. Opinion and Analysis contributors please note. Is mise,


DONAL DONNELLY, Willow Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14.