Combating racism through sport

Madam, - Your Editorial on "Combating Racism" (November 11th) stated that sporting organisations have already contributed significantly…

Madam, - Your Editorial on "Combating Racism" (November 11th) stated that sporting organisations have already contributed significantly to integrating ethnic minorities and tackling racism in the Republic of Ireland. Please clarify the particular sports organisations to which you refer.

Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) has been working since 1997 to promote interculturalism, encourage equality and create a level playing field to integrate ethnic minority groups with local and wider communities with particular focus on sporting activities.

All SARI initiatives have a clear anti-racism message and our policies have influenced the constitution of Football Against Racism Europe (FARE) which in turn framed the UEFA Ten-Point Plan Against Racism.

Over the years we have invited all national sports organisations to sign up to our plans. To date only the Irish Amateur Boxing Association, Irish Cricket Union and the Frisbee Players organisation have responded positively.


I agree that raising the level of public awareness to integrate new immigrants in Irish society needs to be addressed, but raising awareness in the sporting arena and Government circles is proving to be a non-runner. - Yours, etc.,

FRANK BUCKLEY, Director, Sport Against Racism Ireland, Dublin 1.