Community Rating

Sir, - Charles Bagwell (September 29th) implies that BUPA Ireland is seeking the removal of community rating from the Irish health…

Sir, - Charles Bagwell (September 29th) implies that BUPA Ireland is seeking the removal of community rating from the Irish health insurance market. For the record BUPA Ireland is not seeking the removal of community rating and in fact has always stated its support for community rating for essential health care.

BUPA Ireland must and does accept adults of all ages and medical conditions, at the same price, and without any penalties, who wish to transfer from the VHI. We are in the business of looking after their claims if they are ill, without fuss or undue administration. The right of open enrolment and to transfer without penalty is one of the best features of our health insurance law and one we fully support.

Thus Mr Bagwell's assertion that the ill and the elderly have to remain with the VHI is simply not correct.

BUPA Ireland is opposed to the implementation of a risk equalisation scheme which is neither necessary nor justified. The possibility of such a scheme has prevented competition and deprived consumers of the benefits of competition and innovation. It is not necessary to protect community rating and it is illegal under EU law.


Finally I would add that BUPA is a provident society with no shareholder, share price or dividends. All its surpluses are re-invested for the benefit of its customers in better hospitals, nursing homes and customer benefits and service. - Yours, etc.,

Sean L. Murray, Marketing director, BUPA Ireland, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2.