Community relations in the North

Madam, - I hope everyone in Northern Ireland will know the week just passed was Community Relations Week.

Madam, - I hope everyone in Northern Ireland will know the week just passed was Community Relations Week.

We had some 150 events on subjects including housing, policing, business and regeneration. And these involved people and organisations from all kinds of sectors, backgrounds and areas.

I also hope no one missed the title of Community Relations Week 2008 - "A Work in Progress". The important point here is that we have made very important steps towards a better, more shared future, but that much change still needs to take place on the ground.

Conflict, akin to apartheid at times, is still structured into the fabric of Northern Ireland and we must not lose sight of this in the wake of the agreement reached last year between our politicians to share power.


Community Relations Week showcases some of the ongoing work to bring about positive change in Northern Ireland and create the kind of better, shared future referred to in the Programme for Government. I congratulate everyone involved, whether from the public, private, community or voluntary sectors, whether unionist, nationalist, or neither.

The kind of activities highlighted are taking place all year round and are making it possible for people to take small and large steps to end division. In addition, we need continued positive leadership from our politicians as well as a concerted, joined-up government plan and actions by all government departments.

We have a major opportunity, but much of the heavy work remains to be done. - Yours, etc,

DUNCAN MORROW, Chief Executive, Community Relations Council, Murray Street, Belfast.