Compliments of the season

Madam, - "Brain-dead language, formulaic, stale imagery...clichés...banalities.. insipid...insidious..

Madam, - "Brain-dead language, formulaic, stale imagery. . .clichés. . .banalities. . insipid. . .insidious. . .unthinking gobbledegook. . . ."

This is how Vincent Browne finds the President and her words at Christmas. He tells us he hasn't changed this opinion since the last time he attacked her. I found him then to be churlish, childish, ignorant, unjust and mean-minded. I haven't changed my opinion either.

But it's when you get to "political" and "ideological" that one really sees where your columnist is coming from. Our President has policies and ideas. How dare she? Worse, Vincent doesn't like them.

Yes, ideology, Mr Browne, there's the rub. - Yours, etc.,




Donegal Town.