Conditions In Mountjoy

Sir, - I write to you as a citizen of Ireland to express my grave concern over the appalling conditions of incarceration suffered…

Sir, - I write to you as a citizen of Ireland to express my grave concern over the appalling conditions of incarceration suffered by the inmates of Mountjoy Prison, which has a capacity for 460 prisoners. On July 22nd last there were 684 prisoners, on October 23rd, 687 and on November 18th, 674.

This situation is contradictory to any spirit of rehabilitation. It is degrading to the human spirit and a complete violation of personal dignity. In the words of the prison governor, "Loss of freedom is enough punishment for wrongdoing."

Surely any attempt to address the whole area of crime, punishment and rehabilitation in a civilised modern society has to look seriously commitment at its treatment of prisoners. Conditions as they exist can only perpetuate the message of violence and contempt of which we are all suffering the consequences. - Yours, etc.,

Shillelagh, Co Wicklow.