Conditions in Mountjoy

Madam, - Jennifer Carroll (January 19th) poses the question, "Why should inmates have any respect for a society that allows the…

Madam, - Jennifer Carroll (January 19th) poses the question, "Why should inmates have any respect for a society that allows the perpetration of this debasement?"

Despite the Dickensian conditions present in Mountjoy, would Ms Carroll agree that the inmates previous lack of respect for our society was probably the reason for their extended stay in our penal system?

I am not convinced that each person who is locked in a cell for 18 hours per day necessarily turns to drugs or self-mutilation. Would it be irrational to suggest that these inmates could perhaps pursue another avenue of entertainment or recreation to fill their day? Perhaps a good book; could I suggest something from Dostoevsky?

Mountjoy Prison will never reach the standards acceptable to decent, hard-working, law-abiding citizens, or indeed, to our esteemed students of law. It will certainly never reach Dublin 6 standards, nor is it intended to - but as long as this nation is plagued by ever increasing numbers of dangerous and disturbed people willing to carry out heinous crimes, institutions such as this must remain as a deterrent, until we the taxpayers, are called upon, once more, to improve the criminals' lot. - Yours, etc.,


KARL HENNESSEY, Wellesley Manor, Newbridge, Co Kildare.