Consequences of 'sexual liberation'

Madam, - April Cronin (June 4th) implies that I fail to distinguish between sin and the sinner

Madam, - April Cronin (June 4th) implies that I fail to distinguish between sin and the sinner. As sinners ourselves - by definition, as one might say - and therefore totally dependent on the mercy of God, we are all bound to refrain from judging others. This does not mean, however, that we should fail to condemn breaches of the objective moral law, especially when they harm the quality of life in our society or threaten to corrupt our children.

As for Ms Cronin's closing question to me, I can only say I am convinced, from interaction over many years with people of various ages and various walks of life, that there is still in this country a substantial body of opinion that accepts sex as a gift from God and is deeply troubled by the growth of sexual promiscuity and its consequences.

It is regrettable that the proponents of "sexual liberation" should seem reluctant to identify or respect any moral constituency other than their own. At least Ms Cronin paid me the compliment of considering and challenging my views.

- Yours, etc,


SEÁN MAC CÁRTHAIGH, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.