Sir, - The lack of response in the Letters columns to global warming confirms what I have suspected for some time: Ireland and the Irish are indifferent to what happens to the environment. So I would like to make three points that might stimulate some sort of argument.
1. Sincere congratulations to An Taisce on scoring what must surely rate as its finest own goal ever: its stance against wind generated power.
2. Now, maybe, the State can proceed with a massive investment programme in wind energy. There should be hundreds of wind farms stretching from Mols Gap to the Barnsmore Gap to the Vee. God knows there is enough wind over this land to make this viable.
3. Recommended viewing: North Jutland, Denmark and Viborg, the home of wind generated energy, design and development. In North Jutland one can see every style and type of windmill, tall stainless steel or bronze-clad two- and three-blade giants down to small PVC-coated two-blade machines. The Danes, quite rightly, are very sensitive about their environment and go to great lengths to match the right type of windmill with any given area. Surely it is not beyond the wit of our central generating authority, the ESB, to do the same? - Yours, etc.,
Bruce Weldon, Monkstown Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.