Coping With Heart Disease

Sir, - I found the letter from Dr Ken McDonald (September 26th) most informative and helpful, for which I thank him

Sir, - I found the letter from Dr Ken McDonald (September 26th) most informative and helpful, for which I thank him. Speaking as one of about 70,000 people who are prone to repeated heart failure, the clarity and wisdom of his remarks should surely encourage us to seek out, and understand, the basic cause of our individual heart conditions, thus making sure that we learn to live accordingly.

In this way, hopefully, we can keep ourselves as free as possible from distressing recurring hospitalisation - not only for our own betterment, but for the satisfaction of Dr McDonald himself, and for that of all his concerned fellow-cardiologists. - Yours, etc.,

Brynhild McConnell, Palmerston Park, Dublin 6.