Corporate tax reform

Sir, – It is with real sadness that I read that Ireland has refused to sign up to the OECD reform of corporation tax (News, July 2nd).

We have facilitated almost unimaginable levels of greed (hundreds of billions) through our tax breaks and loopholes, at the expense of countries much poorer than ours. It’s sad for the many who give generously to Third World charities and who volunteer to work abroad with disadvantaged children and families in many parts of the world. Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe, when refusing to join in EU attempts at reform, pointed to the OECD process as a better option.

Now he has refused to sign up to the agreement that 130 other countries have backed. Ireland will continue, as a nation, to contribute to rising global inequality and injustice while many of us citizens will continue to contribute to exactly the opposite. – Yours, etc,


