Cost of climate action

Sir, – Human CO2 emissions in 2040 will total more than 46 billion tonnes per year according to projections from the US Energy Information Administration.

In 2010 about 13 billion tonnes were emitted by OECD countries, with about 18 billion tonnes emitted by non-OECD countries (China, India, etc), for a total of about 31 billion tonnes.

By 2040, that will increase by about 1 billion tonnes (OECD) and about 14 billion tonnes per year (non-OECD).

Clearly the non-OECD countries will emit 14 times more of these new, extra CO2 emissions than the OECD countries. These increased emissions, mainly by India and China, formed part of the Paris accord.


If this agreement is really about saving the Earth’s climate by reducing worldwide CO2 emissions, why are we in Europe paying billions of euros of taxpayers’ money to achieve precisely nothing?

– Yours, etc,



Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Sir, – Your editorial rightly draws attention to Ireland’s ongoing silence when it comes to our ever-increasing transport emissions (“Climate Change targets are eased for Ireland”, July 23rd).

The over-emphasis on providing for the motor car together with the underfunding of more sustainable modes of transport over many decades has given many people very little choice when it comes to making their daily journeys.

One frequently overlooked low carbon solution has been around for more than a century, the bicycle. To unlock the full potential of cycling, we need real leadership in integrating bicycle use into the policies of transport, health and climate action.

We really do need to seriously rebalance our transport environment so that riding a bike is as easy as riding a bike.

– Yours, etc,


Irish Cycling Advocacy


Tailors’ Hall,

Back Lane,

Dublin 8.