Counting the costs of Brexit

Sir, – In light of the recent Department of Foreign Affairs-commissioned ESRI report ("Brexit could see major trade losses in Republic, ESRI", November 5th) detailing the projected (negative) impact of a UK withdrawal from the EU, and Enda Kenny's proposed speech to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) in which he will repeat the report's findings, I'm left confused as to who the intended audience really is.

The CBI has repeatedly declared that the vast majority of its members support the UK remaining in the EU, which makes me think perhaps this timely intervention is instead aimed at the half a million or so Irish citizens resident in England and Wales entitled to vote in the forthcoming referendum. Notwithstanding the hyperbole and conjecture contained within the ESRI report, it is extremely cynical for a Government which has repeatedly refused to countenance the possibility of extending Dáil representation to Irish citizens in the North of Ireland and the diaspora to use us as lackeys to defibrillate a flatlining European project.

I can only wonder what treats our European masters in Brussels have in store for Mr Kenny and company as reward for their continued subservience. – Yours, etc,


