Sir, On Thursday of this week, thousands of "fieldsport" fans will demonstrate in London's Hyde Park against a Bill moved by …

Sir, On Thursday of this week, thousands of "fieldsport" fans will demonstrate in London's Hyde Park against a Bill moved by Michael Foster M.R which proposes a ban on hunting with hounds. What are they afraid of? To listen to the hunters, you would think that civilisation itself was threatened with extinction.currently enjoyed by domestic and farm animals. This would be a logical move. Whether pet or pest, any creature with a nervous system feels pain just as we do.

Why will the fieldsport, brigade not accept drag-hunting? It replicates the action and excitement of animal-baiting - without the cruelty. Tradition could thus be safeguarded, as well as the colourful pomp and ceremony. Far from creating unemployment, a switch to this humane alternative would attract people who oppose hunting on ethical grounds.

Drag-hunting would preserve all that is good and wholesome in hunting, while eliminating the savagery that most of us find objectionable! The hounding of an animal to exhaustion; the blooding of dogs on live fox-cubs; the terrorising of the proud stag or the humble hare. Who needs the "kill"?

I hope Mr. Foster succeeds and that the Irish Government follows his example by banning organised cruelty in our countryside. - Yours, etc.,



Co. Kilkenny.

John FitzGerald

John FitzGerald

John FitzGerald is a contributor to The Irish Times writing about economics