Courtesy and older citizens

Sir, – Although I agree with the sentiments expressed by Austin Savage (January 12th) regarding courtesy and older citizens, a conscious effort to be courteous is not without its hazards. A number of years ago I offered my seat to an elderly gentleman on the Luas and in response he pushed me backwards and ran down the carriage without saying a word! His wife indicated that I had offended his pride.

On a visit to my local cinema a few years ago to see the film Philomena, my wife and I found ourselves at the front of a queue made up in the main of senior citizens. When the doors opened we both felt we were participating in the Pamplona bull run as the elderly crowd pushed (that's putting it mildly) forward and trampled on anyone in the way. I would encourage all to be courteous to our senior citizens but I would ask that they return the compliment! – Yours, etc,


Kilmacud, Co Dublin.