Covid and unvaccinated people

Sir, – An ICU consultant told RTÉ radio on Monday that up to 60 per cent of his patients were unvaccinated and the remainder are mainly immuno-compromised.

Surely lives and money can be saved by offering the unvaccinated €200-€300 cash to take it? Half of them may save the day. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Co Dublin.


Sir, – Generally speaking I would be in favour of the rights of the individual as opposed to the rights of the State. However, in an emergency, the rights of the individual might be set aside for the common good.

For example, the dangers of the spread of Covid is a major emergency so surely the individual’s right to privacy should be set aside so as to allow an employer to ask an employee, reporting to work in close proximity to other employees, whether he or she has been vaccinated.

– Yours, etc,



Co Cork.