Cowen's first 100 days

Madam, - Minister for Defence Willie O'Dea demonstrated his usual facility for vulgar abuse in his latest attack on Enda Kenny…

Madam, - Minister for Defence Willie O'Dea demonstrated his usual facility for vulgar abuse in his latest attack on Enda Kenny, following the opposition leader's critique of Brian Cowen's performance as Taoiseach in his first 100 days ( The Irish Times, August 23rd).

We'll have to await the return of the Dáil to see what the Grumbleboor of Tullamore will pull out of the hat to silence his growing band of critics. It will hardly be a dove - too symbolic of peace for a man who clearly prefers aggression - but let's hope it's not just that tired old white rabbit named Willie.

- Yours, etc,

PETER MOLLOY, Haddington Park, Glenageary, Co Dublin.