Cranes, herons and rare birds

Sir, – Pat Mullen (December 17th) doubted that Phil Reilly (December 16th) saw cranes at the Boyne. He should have followed his own advice and consulted BirdWatch Ireland. It says there have been well-attested sightings, more than 80. Cranes were once resident but are now classified as rare vagrants.

Although not an expert, I could not miss three flying north over Caherdaniel a few years ago. My son saw some the same year in west Cork. They cannot be mistaken for herons as they fly with neck and legs extended; herons tuck their necks in. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Co Dublin.


Sir, – I have sighted a crane on the Cooley peninsula outside Dundalk.

I took both a video and still photograph of this majestic creature tracking west at a rate of knots, provided these to both Birdwatch Ireland and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and had it confirmed by the RSPB that yes, indeed it was a crane, and that sightings have become less uncommon in recent years. – Yours, etc,


Blackrock, Co Dublin.

A chara, – While any crane seen along the Boyne was probably a heron, the rare bird spotted recently along the Tolka was definitely Ahern. – Is mise,


Dublin 24.